Detection of nontoxic BoNT/A levels in post-facial Botox injection breastmilk
H Gu, Z Xu, R Koviazina, P Tan, C Zheng, F Kappes, DG Kotsifaki*, F Shen, A Tsigkou*
Front. Drug Saf. Regul. 4:1480515 (2025)
H Gu, Z Xu, R Koviazina, P Tan, C Zheng, F Kappes, DG Kotsifaki*, F Shen, A Tsigkou*
Front. Drug Saf. Regul. 4:1480515 (2025)
Biosensing applications based on metallic nanostructures
Y Gao, S Deng, L Xu, Y Lin, DG Kotsifaki*
Plasmonics VIII 13245, 132450L (2024)
Detection of small microplastics in the surface freshwater samples of Yangcheng Lake, China
Z Xu, N Earnhardt, D.G. Kotsifaki*
Heliyon 10 e39779 (2024)
Y Gao, S Deng, L Xu, Y Lin, DG Kotsifaki*
Plasmonics VIII 13245, 132450L (2024)
Detection of small microplastics in the surface freshwater samples of Yangcheng Lake, China
Z Xu, N Earnhardt, D.G. Kotsifaki*
Heliyon 10 e39779 (2024)

Fast lipid vesicles and dielectric particles migration using thermal-gradient-induced forces
Z Jiang, Y Sun, Y Gao, L Xu, D Kotsifaki*
Journal of Optics 26 095301 (2024)

Biomedical Optics Express Feature Issue Introduction: Optical Manipulation and
its Applications (OMA) 2023
P Jones, S Bernatová, DG Kotsifaki*
Biomedical Optics Express 15 (2), 1192-1194 (2024)

Fano resonance enhanced Raman spectroscopy for ultrasensitive Escherichia coli detection
D.G. Kotsifaki*, R.R. Singh, S. Nic Chormaic and V.G. Truong
Biomedical Optics Express 14 (9), 4875-4887 (2023)

Plasmonic and metamaterial biosensors: a game-changer for virus detection
J. Wang, Z. Xu, D.G. Kotsifaki*
Sensors & Diagnostics 2, 600-619 (2023)

Enabling self-induced back-action trapping of gold nanoparticles in metamaterial plasmonic tweezers
T.D. Bouloumis, D.G. Kotsifaki and S. Nic Chormaic
Nano Letters 23 (11),4723–4731 (2023)

Plasmonic nanostructures for environmental monitoring and/or biological applications
Y Gao, Z Xu, Z Jiang, N Earnhardt, DG Kotsifaki*
Plasmonics VII 12774, 21-24 (2023)

Manipulation, trapping, and biosensing using metamaterial devices
DG Kotsifaki, TD Bouloumis, VG Truong, SN Chormaic
Optical Manipulation and Its Applications, ATu2D. 22023 (2023)
Fast trapping and positioning of multiple polystyrene nanoparticles in a metamaterial plasmonic array
T Bouloumis, DG Kotsifaki, SN Chormaic
Complex Light and Optical Forces XVII, PC124360A (2023)
T Bouloumis, DG Kotsifaki, SN Chormaic
Complex Light and Optical Forces XVII, PC124360A (2023)

The role of temperature induced effects generated by plasmonic nanostructures on particle delivery and manipulation: A review
D. Kotsifaki* and S. Nic Chormaic
Nanophotonics 11, 2199 (2022)
Nanoparticle positioning via metamaterial plasmonic tweezers
T. Bouloumis, D.G. Kotsifaki and S. Nic Chormaic
Proc. SPIE 12479, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference 2022, 124790P (8 December 2022)
T. Bouloumis, D.G. Kotsifaki and S. Nic Chormaic
Proc. SPIE 12479, Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference 2022, 124790P (8 December 2022)

Plasmon-enhanced optical forces and tweezers
D.G. Kotsifaki, V.G. Truong and S. Nic Chormaic
in Plasmon-Enhanced Light-Matter Interactions (eds. P Yu, H Xu, ZM Wang), Springer Lect. Notes Nanoscale Sci. (LNNST, volume 31),